
Showing posts from June, 2017

"Do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." - Matthew 10:31

“DO NOT BE AFRAID”, Jesus assures us three times in today’s Gospel of Matthew. Like Jesus’ apostles, we are called not to fear but to proclaim the love of Christ with our lives. We are called to be witnesses of our Christian faith by our acts of love, forgiveness, and self-giving. We are called to mission to share the joy of His love has brought to our lives and His desire to give mercy and love to all. Given this mission, our commitment to Christ will be put to test. Fear may overwhelm us because our friends may not understand why we meet for reunions and attend Praise and Worships. Some may not even understand why we share our life experiences to people we just only met (e.g., shepherds, flockmates). Others may even make fun of how we act, because they don't understand the joy He gives us when we are with our brothers and sisters singing and praising HIM as the love of our lives. Though He may permit this kind of persecution, our Father will never forget or abando

I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. - John 6:51

The Gospel today tells us that God’s love is eternal. Without His love, we are nothing, just ashes waiting to be blown away and get lost. His love is eternal, because He sent forth His one and only son to save us from our sins to give us new life. When we eat the bread during the Holy Communion, it represents that we allow Him to be in our life. The line “Whoever eats this bread will live forever”, tells us that when we allow God to enter our lives (when we eat the body of Christ), we will be complete, we will be able to experience life after death. Without Him, whatever we seek, we wouldn’t be able to find it, because there is nothing but emptiness. That emptiness is filled with God’s everlasting love. Nothing is ever complete without love and passion. You cannot achieve a happy life when there is no love. You might work for a company that has a high salary, but how can you enjoy your job when you don’t even like it, even though your pay is great. You may become luxurious, bu

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son - John 3:16

In today's Gospel, we are once again reminded of God's unconditional love for all of us, even if we are sinners. Although we keep sinning against Him from time to time, He still constantly loves and forgives us that He even sends His only Son, Jesus, for us to be saved. You see, God's love is absolute for God doesn't fall out of love. We may have hurt Him with our disobedience and with the things that we've done against His will but He's still there for us, waiting for us to open our hearts to Him. But here we are, falling out of love each time things don’t go our way. When life gets rough and everything's just messed up, we end up doubting His plans and questioning His love. God loves us even though we are sinners filled with brokenness, flaws and imperfections but this doesn’t mean that we should keep committing sin. Hence, we should be proud, thankful and blessed because God send us Jesus His only Son to die for us. He wants us to love ourselves