Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” - Luke 9:35

Based on the BLD Website reflection:
                On the second Sunday of our Lenten journey, the gospel is about Transfiguration, a unique revelation of the divinity of Jesus, witnessed by Peter, James and John. Not only did they witnessed the divine splendor and radiance of Jesus’s face and clothing, but from the cloud, they also heard the voice of God acknowledging Jesus as His beloved Son and telling them to "listen to Him," (Luke 9:35). For the three disciples, the experience was a clear message of faith and hope as witnesses for the coming passion, suffering and death of Jesus, a reminder that even though they will see Jesus hanging on the cross, by faith and convinced, their Master, Jesus Christ, would conquer death and rise again in glory.
As Jesus’ followers, we also need to be reminded, that the cross, we carry daily seems to overwhelm us, with our own "Calvary", we can turn to our loving Savior for counsel (Lk 19:10) - He had overcame them all. When the appeal of sin is too strong, we should rely on our Shepherd for guidance (Jn 10:27) - He will lead us to righteousness. In the midst of life’s trials and challenges, we must call on our Good Teacher for His wisdom and help (Lk 18:18). When the storms of life appear to weaken our faith, we need to approach our Master for His authority (Mt 6:26) - His words can silence the wind and calm the waves. He will show us how to pass through these difficulties and He will be with us in these difficulties?
We hear Jesus' voice in prayer, through the Holy Spirit, communicating to us in the depths of our hearts. His message of love is revealed when we read and meditate upon His word in the Scripture. And His message is revealed by the works of our fellow Christians who persevere in holiness. When we yield to the commandments of Jesus and allow His word to take root in our hearts, our lives are surely renewed and transformed. In obedience, we find the strength to fight sin and receive the grace of perseverance as we travel the road to holiness. And seeing our continuing conversion, we may inspire others to join us in the path of righteousness, AMEN?  Our heavenly Father will surely be pleased and will help us focus our eyes on our eternal home. Where Christ, “…will give a new form to our lowly bodies and remake it according to the pattern of His glorified body, by His power to subject everything to Himself,” (Phil 3:21).

All three readings are connected. Basically, the gist of all the readings is about OBEDIENCE and FAITHFULNESS. When I say that I love God how far can I go for that love? Can I be like Abraham who endured everything and followed God? Abraham followed God without expecting anything in return. He did not follow God just because He wants to attain our God’s beautiful promise.
His obedience was a test of his Faithfulness to God. This reminds us that we don’t obey just for the sake of obeying but we obey because we love the person. We obey regardless if we understand or not their ways, because through love and by faith, we believe that their intentions would always be for us, for the better.   
A perfect example would be our relationships with our parents. Sometimes, we get annoyed by how they discipline us or simply by how they remind us thru nagging.
When I was younger I felt that way too. I felt that I had no freedom because they were so strict. So, I answer them back or turn away and do things to divert the anger I felt inside. I never understood the way my parents raised me up. Comparing them to the relationships of my peers with their parents, I got so jealous.  It was only then when I fully realized everything when my parents began to be a part of the Youth Ministry, then I began to appreciate what they had done for me, I was blessed. God said in the 5th commandment, Honor your Mother and Father. There are NO perfect parents just as there are NO perfect sons or daughters. They are struggling too just like us. Through God’s grace I saw that even though they were really strict, but they always had time for me. And that was one thing I never realized because I was so selfish, busy thinking of my own happiness. They say when you are a parent you always want the best for your child and the sad part, often, we, as children, cannot perfectly appreciate the best they are trying to give.  They say, in the eyes of a parent, no one will ever be good enough for their child. Kaya kapag nagka boyfriend or girlfriend man tayo gusto ng parents natin yung perfect or close to perfect kasi as much as possible ayaw nila tayo masaktan. Well, you will only truly realize that when you will become parents too. I hope not too soon.
When we obey we should really learn to LISTEN not just when we want to but because we need to. Like Peter, James and John, may we be always ready to listen to God’s words. This is one of the youth’s weaknesses nowadays, we are in a generation where people are so superficial, selfish and think that they are deprived of being listened to. More so, only listening to themselves and do what they think is right.  St. Paul reminds us all that we are made much more than the things of this world.
That’s why I always look forward to Word Sharing Circles because I can feed my soul and park all earthly concerns. Every day I thank the Lord for giving me this Ministry. When I am faced with problems I know that God is the only solution and perhaps there are other things that this world can offer to help me, but all of it will just pass, but God’s word and love will not.
This Lenten season is a spiritual exercise for all of us as we prepare for the commemoration of Jesus’ death on the cross. May we start to be obedient and faithful to Him in spite all the hardships and continuously ask for grace of perseverance and patience to serve Him.
Reflection Questions: 1. The kingdom of God produces transformation in those who receive new life offered by Jesus. Are we ready to let God change us with His life-giving word? 2. Do our sins, unbelief, or even our comfortable life hinder us from hearing the challenge of Christ to change our lives?


Tonight, before you go to sleep, thank your parents or say anything you like or want them to know, affirm your parents or the people who takes good care of you.

-Pie Madrazo


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