Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. - Luke 3:4

In the Gospel today, the word of God came to John. He called people to repent and baptized them in the Jordan River. The baptism of John is seen as a purification rite to prepare for the coming of Jesus. On this Second Sunday of Advent, his words resound to call us to prepare the way of Jesus, the Messiah and the Lord.

When I was younger all I thought during this time of year was giving presents and receiving. But now things have changed, I've thought of giving Christ a present too! It's me preparing spiritually with repentance and prayer so I could be my best self when the King arrives!

As we hustle in buying gifts and in preparing for a grand banquet for Christmas, let us take time in cleansing ourselves for the coming of the Lord. We are all called to have repentance and reconciliation with God. Let us humble down and make ourselves worthy of the salvation the Messiah has brought to us.

-Rona De Castro


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