Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. - Mark 13:31

It says in the Gospel that Jesus promises his disciples that they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory; that the angels will come and gather his elect from the four winds. His coming will also be preceded by unhappiness, pains and sufferings. The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers in heaven will be shaken. These will be signs just as fig leaves sprouting are a sign that summer is near. Jesus adds that their generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Though heaven and earth will pass away, his words will not pass away. Then Jesus says: "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

In the gospel, I think it is the judgement day that will be coming where the Son of man will judge the living and the dead. And our faith will be tested - Who were the ones who stayed faithful and who are the ones ready to enter the gates of heaven above with God and his angels. 

Pains, calamities and sufferings are signs that judgement day is near. Every now and then I think about it when Armageddon is and what would I be doing that day and what will happen to all of us. Will I still see my friends? Will I still be with family? And will I still be living my life like how it is now? These questions run through my mind every time I hear or think about the Armageddon. At a young age, I have heard about the judgement day coming and how terrifying could it be. At school, my teacher in Christian Living speaks and discusses about the judgement day and how it is not a joke when it's going to happen. Our teacher always says that we should always be prepared for what’s coming and what's going to happen. Every time our teacher talks about that topic to us, I always get goosebumps and I can feel that I’m not quite prepared when that day suddenly comes. 

After some knowledge about the judgement day coming, I told myself to live more religiously and to always have faith in God no matter what. I told myself that I wouldn't get myself caught up in some things that will lessen and put away my faith in God and that I would never turn my back from my Christian life.
-Framel Coleen Sepulveda


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