Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him - John 6:56

Basically the Gospel is about the Holy Eucharist and this passage has many points for reflection. The following points can help you reflect on your relationship with Jesus and the people around you.

Let me first talk about my relationship with Jesus. I’ve known Jesus since I was young but I really didn’t know how important he is in my life especially during the time I felt like giving up. We all have problems in life and some people just don’t know how to bear with the pain that life is giving us. Before joining BLD, I could describe my life as meaningless. It came to a point when I forgot to respect myself and worst, I forgot who Jesus was in my life. I smoke and drink and so people see me as a “party girl”. I don’t know why but I find peace in doing those kind of stuff. It made me happy. It felt like I could just go on like that every day. It became my habit to go out on Saturday and go home Sunday morning. I didn’t care if my mom would get mad at me as long as I’m happy of what I’m doing.

As I look at myself in the mirror, I see myself happy from the outside but there is still something missing inside me. It came to a point that I have been very depressed and decided to give up because I just can’t handle the pain anymore. I am emotionally, mentally and physically tired. I just don’t know what to do anymore with my life. I cry at night and before sleeping. I can feel the pain killing me slowly even in my dreams. Then there came my angels in disguise, their names are Nicole, Ysa and Ruwi. These three angels kept on pushing me to join YE15. To be honest, I really don’t want to because for me it was “korny”. But they set me up and even asked help from my mom. So I don’t have a choice but to attend the retreat. 

During the retreat, I met another angel in disguise, she is January. She made me realize that I can do better things in my life. I never thought attending this retreat would help me realize that life is so beautiful especially when Jesus is with you. It helped me opened my heart to forgive the people who have destroyed, judged and left me. I also opened my doors for the good opportunities that are coming in to my life. The most important thing I realized is that, no matter how many times you forget Jesus, he will never abandon you. No matter how many times you hurt him, he will always forgive you.  He is the only one who can give you pure happiness in life. He is the only one who can accept you from your past and up to your future. In short, he is the one who gives meaning to your life. It’s not about seeing him personally, but it’s about feeling him spiritually. 

Just like receiving the Holy Eucharist, you just don’t eat the bread and drink the wine. But it is on how you give importance to it, for it is the body and blood of Christ who loves us unconditionally and saved us from our sins. Life will always give us storms, but Jesus will never abandon us and he will always save us. Sometimes following him can mean that at times we will be shocked with his message or he goes beyond what we expect of him. And so the challenge is TO STAY WITH HIM EVEN IF AT TIMES WHAT HE GIVES US CAN BE VERY UPSETTING. Jesus is not a pleaser but even if you are not pleased with what is happening, his will is far greater. If you follow him, he will give you eternal life and you’ll never be thirsty again. 

-Sarah Bravo


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