“This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world.” - John 6:14

This gospel talks about how Jesus tested Philip and Andrew’s faith. When Philip and Andrew said that the food would not be enough to feed the entire crowd, Jesus wanted to tell them that “Nothing is impossible if you’re with Me.” At first, I think, it is impossible to feed 5,000 people with 5 barley loaves and 2 fishes but God made me believe that nothing is impossible! How can Jesus satisfy the people with just a few loaves of bread? Jesus, himself, is the only who can satisfy their hunger, our hunger because He is the true bread of heaven who can satisfy our deepest hunger in life. We are hungry; hungry not only for food but also hunger for values and morality.

In the readings, Jesus said “They shall eat and there shall be some left over.” And when they had eaten, there were indeed some left overs. God, abundantly, gives us blessings. He gives us more than what we need so that we may be able to share it with others especially to those who are in need.  

Let us be grateful to God for He gives us more than what we need, even if we don’t deserve it. All we need to do is to share it to others. If we are worried that nothing will be left for us, let us not be because with God, nothing is impossible and because Jesus is the Provider! 

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13

- Jero Haw


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