He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts. - Mark 6:8

The Gospel for today talks about simplicity. What is simplicity? It is state of being simple and being ordinary. Each one of us has shown simplicity in our lives without us even realizing that we are showing it. We may have shown it to our pets, our friends, our relatives, our family, and even to strangers. However, simplicity doesn’t mean that if you are ordinary, then you cannot do great things. Jesus, for example, was a simple man. But He was able to perform miracles. He was able to save us from our sins. For me, this means that in simplicity, there is also greatness.

In the Gospel, the Twelve Apostles were called to be simple. Even though they were just these simple men who came from simple beginnings, Jesus gave them the authority over unclean spirits. This goes to show that Jesus didn’t just love His disciples. He also trusted them that they will be able to use that given authority in good ways. Just like the Twelve, each one of us is called by Jesus to be simple and we should accept this call wholeheartedly. Simplicity in our thoughts and emotions can lead to simple gestures and actions towards others. 

For example, smiling to others as you walk to your classroom can brighten their day since they have seen you happy. Greeting your peers and acquaintances as you see them by the corridor is another act of showing simplicity. It is in these simple acts that we take part in Jesus’ mission for us – to love one another. May it be extraordinary or simple, love is love. For Jesus, that is enough.

There are times in our life that we show simplicity. I recall a time when I was eating outside the gates of my school. As I eat, a young boy came near me. He was asking if he could have my drink. Feeling pity for him, I took my last sip and gave it to him. He quickly ran away with my drink and I was shocked but I didn’t give much thought about it. I see him run towards a little girl and I also see him give it to her. Both of them were smiling and laughing as they shared that drink. As I watched them, I didn’t realize that I was also smiling. That was when I realized that my simple act of kindness was able to help someone in need.

In this generation, in this time, it is difficult to be simple as we are disturbed by our restless thoughts such as, “I should have this. I should have that”. But we should know that these things such as our gadgets are only temporary. Instead of thinking heavily about it, why not ask yourself, “Do I really need it?”

We should pray for guidance that we will be able to show acts of kindness towards others and that we would be able to put a smile on the faces of the people we love. But the thing we should really pray for is the guidance for simplicity for it is one of the easiest ways to live the life Jesus wants for us.

-Reggie Jaleco


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