
Showing posts from July, 2015

“This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world.” - John 6:14

This gospel talks about how Jesus tested Philip and Andrew’s faith. When Philip and Andrew said that the food would not be enough to feed the entire crowd, Jesus wanted to tell them that “Nothing is impossible if you’re with Me.” At first, I think, it is impossible to feed 5,000 people with 5 barley loaves and 2 fishes but God made me believe that nothing is impossible! How can Jesus satisfy the people with just a few loaves of bread? Jesus, himself, is the only who can satisfy their hunger, our hunger because He is the true bread of heaven who can satisfy our deepest hunger in life. We are hungry; hungry not only for food but also hunger for values and morality. In the readings, Jesus said “They shall eat and there shall be some left over.”  And when they had eaten, there were indeed some left overs. God, abundantly, gives us blessings. He gives us more than what we need so that we may be able to share it with others especially to those who are in need.   Let us be grateful to God

He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” - Mark 6:31

This Sunday’s Gospel tells us that we need to  “Come away by ourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”  The gospel story suggests that we must in fact find the quiet place in our hearts (deserted place) to which we can withdraw at any time, whether at school or at work. It’s not just withdrawing from school or work to find peace but also finding that quiet place in our hearts even when we are at school or at work. I love how the Gospel shows the reality of being a disciple of Jesus or just being a human – napapagod din sila. Napapagod rin tayo . Remember the Gospel last Sunday? Jesus sent his 12 apostles for a mission. The apostles went off to preach repentance. They even drove out demons and anointed with oil the sick and cured them. So can you imagine? Dun sa Gospel, kagagaling lang nila sa mission . So when  The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught.  They must have been SUUUUUPER tired. That’s why Jesus told them to  "Come away

He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts. - Mark 6:8

The Gospel for today talks about simplicity. What is simplicity? It is state of being simple and being ordinary. Each one of us has shown simplicity in our lives without us even realizing that we are showing it. We may have shown it to our pets, our friends, our relatives, our family, and even to strangers. However, simplicity doesn’t mean that if you are ordinary, then you cannot do great things. Jesus, for example, was a simple man. But He was able to perform miracles. He was able to save us from our sins. For me, this means that in simplicity, there is also greatness. In the Gospel, the Twelve Apostles were called to be simple. Even though they were just these simple men who came from simple beginnings, Jesus gave them the authority over unclean spirits. This goes to show that Jesus didn’t just love His disciples. He also trusted them that they will be able to use that given authority in good ways. Just like the Twelve, each one of us is called by Jesus to be simple and we should ac

“A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” – Mark 6:4

The Gospel today tells about faith and honor. What does it mean to even have honor? What is honor, anyway? Honor is to have high respect. Every one of us has a certain degree of honor that is much like dignity. We all have it and we take care of it. But to have such a high degree of respect, we have to earn it. Much like respect itself, we don’t have it with just a flick of a finger but we earn it. We work hard for it. The Gospel also tells about mighty deeds. Deeds can either be good or bad depending on the reasons we do them. It doesn’t really matter if we’re rich or poor when we do some deeds. In the Gospel and Jesus’ life, we can see that He can only perform miracles when we as people have faith in Him and in God. We experience small to big good deeds in our life and at the same time, we also made good deeds to others. The Gospel simply speaks and tells a message of doing things that are good to others. It doesn’t really matter if they repay us back but feeling good about havi