"Son, go out and work in the vineyard today" - Matthew 21:28

I always try to live by the words “Love is a verb”.

A verb, simply put, is an action word. A word of action. It is not a possessive pronoun that aims to take possession of something, nor is it a noun that gives names to things, nor is it an adjective which is used to describe nouns.

Love is a verb. It is a word of doing.

Which of the two did the Father’s will? It is the first son, because even when he primarily said no, he eventually did what the Father asked of him.

Sadly, most of the time, we are like the second son. We utter words of affirmation, of yes-es. But we do not follow up our words with actions. We say that we study, but go on for hours on social media. We say that we have a lot of work, but go on neglecting it until the last hour. We say that we love our loved ones, but do not care when one of them needs our help.

Let our love be like the first son’s love, let it be verbs, let it be actions. When we do stuff out of love, our words of yes-es are unnecessary because our actions speak for us. When we do stuff out of love, we do not expect to get anything in return, the great feeling that we get out of the mere act of loving and of caring is reward enough for us, but the Father sees our love, and blesses us with more love.

And when we accustom ourselves with acting out of love, nothing is a burden. Nothing is a chore. Because when we act out of and for love, we are acting in His greater glory. And nothing is more of a blessing than offering ourselves in the service of our brothers and sisters, which in turn becomes service to the Father. Let our actions be a blessing to others, let us be the bridge that networks love into the lives of every person we encounter in each day that our Father blesses us to wake up to. Take every opportunity to be a first son, and act out of love. Be it a helping hand to our siblings when they are struggling with their homework, or visiting our sick friends or a simple smile to that grumpy classmate. It sometimes may not be obvious but never has there been a time when truly sharing God’s love has been a set-back. 

-Oyen del Fierro


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