"I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die..." - John 11:25-26

John 11: 1-45

Have you witnessed someone dead, who is actually lying in the coffin and suddenly rose from the dead? Well, if you haven’t witnessed one, maybe you have heard one. I remember a story from one barangay when a deceased stood up and asked for water. This made everyone freak out.

This story might be true or not, one thing’s for sure, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. If Jesus could turn water into wine, move the mountains, heal the sick, walk on the water then it is never impossible for Him to raise someone from the dead. This is one of the many miracles of Jesus that always left us in awe. It reminds us how powerful our Divine Saviour is.

If you were in Mary and Martha’s shoes, you will also be in despair over your loved one’s loss. In addition, Jesus arrived so late that He was not able to heal Lazarus. But as Jesus ordered Lazarus to come out and said: “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” this prompt us back to our faith. As we experience the disparity of the moment we do not know that God has a greater plan for us. We just have to believe in Him and submit ourselves to His will.

Moreover, our Heavenly Father has given us life and He is the one who will take our lives too. It may not be promised that we will rise from death like Lazarus; but with our everlasting faith and love to Him, we are assured that in an eternal place called heaven, we will rise with our Saviour for eternity. 

-Kaye Nebrija


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