“Rise, and do not be afraid.” - Matthew 17:7

Honestly, I had a very difficult time thinking how I would start this reflection.  I got the point that it was about transfiguration but then what? I had heard and personally said transfiguration a thousand times most especially during light mysteries of the rosary; but then I realized… all this time, perhaps, I never really understood what this event really meant. I've researched back again and again the whole Gospel and decided to show the reflection like this. . .

Matthew 17:1 -9


Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, 

Why these 3 Apostles? According to Saint John Chrysostom: “No doubt because they outstripped the others…
1.      Saint Peter because of his ardor and his love
2.      Saint John because he was the disciple Jesus loved (Jn 13: 23)
3.      Saint James because he had said along with his brother, ‘We can drink    your cup,’ and subsequently kept his word (Mt 20: 22 and Acts 12:2)”


and led them up a high mountain by themselves.

Perhaps Jesus had found something in mountains, away from the worldly life. Yes, we know that God is always there in our lives but for us to deeply communicate with him, we need to loosen up of our earthly life and try to let go and listen attentively.
We can always have an intimate relationship with God. In the silence of hearts, Lord, Your servants are listening.


And he was transfigured before them; 
his face shone like the sun 
 and his clothes became white as light.

As per Merriam Webster: “ Transfiguration   noun  \(ˌ)tran(t)s-ˌfi-gyə-ˈrā-shən, -gə-\
-             a change in form or appearance
-             an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change”

So, Jesus changed in appearance - his face shone like sun and clothes white as light. This was not just a majestic manifestation of His physical body but hopefully we will all understand that it was His internal light shining of His divinity. This Glorious moment that it was like heaven that maybe it was a “pre show” of how Jesus could have looked like during his resurrection. Truly, Jesus Christ, himself, is holy and divine.

3 - 4

And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them,
conversing with him. Then Peter said to Jesus in reply, 
“Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish,
I will make three tents here, one for you,
one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

Going back during the earlier times, the Jews believed that Moses represents the Old Testament Law (10 Commandments) and Elijah represents the prophets. What is great about this moment is that, atleast, 3 from the Apostles can testify that truly Jesus is the Messiah, the fulfillment of both the Law and the prophets. Why? Because it was believed that Elijah as God’s messenger will bring forth the news of the coming of the Messiah and Moses as the one who will accompany the Messiah when He comes.


While he was still speaking, behold,
 a bright cloud cast a shadow over them, 
 then from the cloud came a voice that said, 
 “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased;
  listen to him.”

Aside from Christ’s Baptism (Matthew 3:17), this was the second time that God revealed Jesus as His Son. Reading Matthew’s Chapter before the 17th, It was shown that 6 days before going up onto this mountain, Jesus had already told his apostles regarding his Passion, Death and Resurrection. Peter rebuked Him even previously, but this time, during God’s voice coming out from the cloud, God, Himself, assures the apostles that this man, Jesus, is His son and God, Himself, perhaps assures Jesus, that as His Father, He is pleased of Christ’s decision of accepting his role as the sacrificial lamb for everyone’s salvation.

6 – 8

When the disciples heard this, they fell prostrate
and were very much afraid.
But Jesus came and touched them, saying,
“Rise, and do not be afraid.”
And when the disciples raised their eyes, 
they saw no one else but Jesus alone.

Just like God’s promises for His conditions of Discipleship (Mt 16), there may be times that we will stumble, get tired and be afraid but the best part about it is that Jesus will always go into our hearts, the purity of our intentions, He will always be there to give us courage, comfort, reaching his hand – will always help us to stand up again. He has promised. “For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory and then He will repay everyone according to his conduct.”


As they were coming down from the mountain,
Jesus charged them,
“Do not tell the vision to anyone 
until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

So this is how it ends… Do not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of man has been raised from the dead. There are so many times that we do not understand God’s plans for us but we always find ways to understand even if we don’t need to. Let us be like Jesus and the apostles who just trusted God completely. Isn’t it exciting that you yourself can shout to the world that I am a friend of the Son of God, I confirmed it, seen the prophets and heard God’s voice but I need to keep it on myself. Why? At the end of the day, God’s plans are magnificent and in fulfillment… we are loved and saved from our sins.

Brothers and Sisters, I believe I am blessed because God has given me more understanding of Christ’s Transfiguration through this reflection giving. I think there are 3 points I want to emphasize.

1.       The shining of Christ’s light, make us realize that we too, as sons and daughters of God have our own light. Usually we neglect the fact that we can be greater than what our minds can think. Usually, we humble ourselves wrongly most especially on the times that we could have used our God given talents in becoming His instruments. Yes, we are not perfect but believing that God is in us, we have His light to radiate on others.

2.      God really is so magnificent. He had first planned everything. The Old Testament’s promises and the New Testament’s fulfillment through Christ. We are not talking about days of fulfillment but years and years and then on still everything happened as it planned. Isn’t it amazing that our God can do anything and what is more amazing is that choosing on His side, everything will just fall into place. He will never leave us. That amidst all the sufferings, one day, we will all be in Glory in God’s Kingdom… for eternity.

3.      I am blessed that there is someone who loves me unconditionally. Christ wasn’t sure if He really wanted to obey His Father in dying for the people who neglected Him but in Jesus obedience, He did… He trusted God and I am saved. Jesus Christ’s love in His passion, death and resurrection is what I wanted to hold on to. This Lent, this is my greater challenge: Living this earthly life today, I wanted to be different. I want to return back the favor and be a living a witness of who Christ can be. 

I am human, imperfect but God chose me even before I was born. God chose to love me regardless. I want to be different. I want to be a spark in this earthly life. Are you coming with me? It will never be easy, but let us spread this love together. Let us all start a spark and maybe when all together, we might light this darker world. Let’s Go Team Jesus! Always, To God be the Glory. J

 - Rica Andico



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