But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. - Mt. 6:33

This Sunday's gospel speaks of the high importance oftentimes placed on transient "values", which may overshadow the one, true light in our lives: God. Today, we are all so concerned with acquiring more of everything--more toys, more clothes, more money-- basically, more of everything that we already have. We also want the best and newest of things because we seek flattery. We think that if we have the newest iPhone model or Nike sneaker release, will have the best there is... at least for now. This mentality not only distracts us from more important things, but it keeps us chained to this obsession. We forget to be thankful for what God has already provided us; we take for granted the roof over our heads, the family and friends who we love and love us back, and even the moment of wake in the morning. We forget that life is short and is more than the things we own. However, selfish desires keep us from being contented.

Likewise, we find ourselves burdened because we fear that these things will run out. This preoccupation only causes stress and negativity in our lives. Money will come and go, but the experiences, lessons, and relationships you make during your lifetime will be eternal; you have to make the most out of your life. The gospel says:

"If God so clothes the grass of the field,
which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow,
will he not much more provide for you?"

God will always find a way for each and every one of us, including you. You just have to trust that God always has something planned; even if you think you're life has fallen downhill, have faith that He will help lift you back up. Therefore, follow the gospel and: "Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself."

-Keith Divinagracia


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