
Showing posts from March, 2014

“Neither he nor his parents sinned, [but this happened] so that the works of God might be made visible through him.” -John 9: 3

Why is it so hard for people to see the good instead of the bad?. I mean, we’ve done things that we weren’t proud of but should we suffer ‘til the very end for that wrong doing?. In the gospel the blind man became an instrument so that God can be visible to other people. Jesus made the blind man see not just for the benefit of the blind man but for other people as well. After seeing, the blind man believed in the Lord through Jesus. But despite his faith other people didn’t believe because no one believes a sinner. Our clouded judgment towards other people and even towards ourselves makes us irrational. It makes us doubt other people’s ceredibility but who are we to judge? We are all equal in God’s eyes therefore we do not have the right to make other people feel low. We should be an instrument of the Lord to help lift other people up and not burry them six feet under. If we just  let the Lord be our eyes, there will never be wrong judgments and all we will see in everyone a

God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth. - John 4:24

"I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants" Todays Gospel talks about the importance of being a servant. Basically, being a servant doesnt only mean to plainly follow the commands of our leaders. But to be a servant for others. Just like if our mother says to wash the dishes, you just dont wash it only. But you also need to wipe it and put that dishes back to where it is supposedly to be. Being a servant doesnt degrade your lifestyle or your personality. Instead, it helps you to grow. And eventually, from being a servant, you also become a leader. Serving others may be difficult for us, the youth, because we are spoon-fed by our parents or the elderly too much. They give not just for what we need but most of the time they try their best to give our wants. We always depend on them. Shortly, they are the ones who serves us. Bu

“Rise, and do not be afraid.” - Matthew 17:7

Honestly, I had a very difficult time thinking how I would start this reflection.  I got the point that it was about transfiguration but then what? I had heard and personally said transfiguration a thousand times most especially during light mysteries of the rosary; but then I realized… all this time, perhaps, I never really understood what this event really meant. I've researched back again and again the whole Gospel and decided to show the reflection like this. . . Matthew 17:1 -9 1a                                                                                      Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother,   Why these 3 Apostles? According to Saint John Chrysostom: “No doubt because they outstripped the others… 1.       Saint Peter because of his ardor and his love 2.       Saint John because he was the disciple Jesus loved (Jn 13: 23) 3.       Saint James because he had said along with his brother, ‘We can drink    your cup,’ and subsequently kept

"One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God." - Mt. 4:4

temp·ta·tion noun \tem(p)- ˈ tā-shən\ : a strong urge or desire to have or do something : something that causes a strong urge or desire to have or do something and especially something that is bad, wrong, or unwise (Definition taken from Mirriam-Webster Dictionary) Temptation comes and goes in a cornucopia of varied situations. It may come blatantly or in the subtlest way. All of us experience temptation. Even Jesus, in all his perfection, experienced temptation. The devil in the desert kept on urging Jesus to use divine intervention to end his fasting and suffering. He kept on taunting Jesus to test the strength of His power. While Jesus could have just easily whipped out His powers superhero-style (to infinity and beyond) to end all of that, He chose God over temptation and finished His fast. At the height of all our busy schedules, the subtlest but most effective temptation would be to give in to the temptation of negativity. Giving in to this particular temptation is

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. - Mt. 6:33

This Sunday's gospel speaks of the high importance oftentimes placed on transient "values", which may overshadow the one, true light in our lives: God. Today, we are all so concerned with acquiring more of everything--more toys, more clothes, more money-- basically, more of everything that we already have. We also want the best and newest of things because we seek flattery. We think that if we have the newest iPhone model or Nike sneaker release, will have the best there is... at least for now. This mentality not only distracts us from more important things, but it keeps us chained to this obsession. We forget to be thankful for what God has already provided us; we take for granted the roof over our heads, the family and friends who we love and love us back, and even the moment of wake in the morning. We forget that life is short and is more than the things we own. However, selfish desires keep us from being contented. Likewise, we find ourselves burdened because we fea

"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,.." -Mt. 5:44

“Love your enemies” Without a doubt, to be faithful followers of Jesus means that we have to make a lot of seemingly crazy and radical decisions. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. And human as we are, we might think “Why God, why must I love my enemy? Why love the enemy when he hurts me? Why pray for those who persecute me when they persecute me? They’re not worthy of my love and prayers, they don’t deserve it.” Jesus teaches us that seeking revenge is not the Christian way. Forgiveness is the way to deal with those who hurt us. He even urges us to “offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one as well.” Sometimes, or most of the time when people hurt us, it is so easy to think badly of our offender. It’s so easy to wish our enemies misfortune. It’s so easy to think of getting even. But seeking revenge and getting even will not lead to the peace that we so