Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away - Mt 5:18

Gospel: Mt 5:17 – 37

No two persons in this world are born the same. We are unique and therefore different from each other. The world we are living today is a world where people are trying to walk in a perfectly straight line and those who deviate away are labeled indifferently. We look for happiness in different ways; some in other people, some with their jobs, some on possessions and some look for vices.
The law of God governs our day to day activities. We Catholics must carve these commandments deep in our hearts. However, because of our unceasing desire to feed our egos, to lust over things and to depart from God’s plans for us, we often forget that our actions should imitate Jesus.
Recently, we become too preoccupied with things that we desire to have or achieve that we forget that there is God within us, we frequently fall in lust – may it be a sexual desire, a self – absorption, a strong desire to have something without God within you. Why is that form of lust so difficult to overcome? Because lust is an alternative in which we satisfy our hearts without kneeling before God and so, we fall into the darkness.
It is common for us students and those young adults who are establishing a permanent job to employ thousands of hours at work and spending most of our time at school, we sometimes use Sundays as our “study day” instead of spending a day with our families and at least an hour with our God. Nowadays, we struggle in the battle between our faith and society, we become out-of-balance that our materialistic desires block our ability to serve God and others. We let society move us instead of our faith, and we cautiously follow the civil laws that we tend to deviate away from the law of God. But if change is to occur, the loving desire of God must be our center. We overcome the undesired by looking at the roots of our problems and fill our empty hearts with what God desires to fill, we must wrestle with our hearts as well as your willingness to change, and learn to love.

“I must be willing to fight, scratch, and claw toward holiness.” – 1 Pet. 4:1-3

-Dana Haw


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