I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” John 16:33

Today, the gospel tells us of the time when Cleopas and one other disciple were on their way to Emmaus. As they were talking about what recently happened, Jesus Himself came walking beside them but their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him. He then asked them what they were talking about. As they told Him about the crucified Nazarene and how his body was not found in his tomb, Jesus replied to them, "You foolish men so slow to believe in what the prophet says", as they reached the place they then invited Jesus to stay at their place and at the table, Jesus did the breaking of the bread and said the blessing. It was then there when they realized who He was, then they came back to Jerusalem there they found the eleven assembled who said to them "The Lord has truly risen and has appeared to Simon." 
Just like Cleopas and the other disciple, we too are blinded from seeing and realizing that Jesus is here with us especially with the situation we are dealing with right now. A lot of us who are being affected by this pandemic are starting to lose hope and are doubting if Jesus is with us. Just like Cleopas and the other disciple, we sometimes fail to understand that his presence is with us. He performs miracles during this pandemic. Although we don't see him physically, He gives us the reassurance that He will never forsake us. This is all part of God's great plan for us and we, as Christians should do our part in having Faith in Him. No matter how hard it may get, everything will be alright in God's perfect time. We, the youth should remind each other to pray and not be shaken by all the discouragements that surrounds us. Let us continue to be God's instruments by radiating the Faith that we have to the whole world. With this faith, we will strongly believe that this pandemic will be over.

-Andre Guerra


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