"Be on your guard and avoid every kind of greed, for even though you have many possessions, it is not that which gives you life." - Luke 12:15

"Be on your guard and avoid every kind of greed, for even though you have many possessions, it is not that which gives you life."  - Luke 12:15

Today in our gospel, it begins with an individual in the crowd asking Jesus: "Master, tell my brother to share with me the family inheritance." then Jesus replied, "My friend, who has appointed me as your judge or your attorney?" Then Jesus continued and said to the people: "Be on your guard and avoid every kind of greed, for even though you have many possessions, it is not that which gives you life."

Today's gospel is very relatable in every people, a lot of us see numerous ads everyday on billboards, facebook, television, and radios. Even when we open some websites or games we are bombed with advertisments inviting us to buy this and that such as clothes, appliances, and electronics. The negative effect is that many of us especially millennials, we tend to believe that more is better or the newest release of a phone is much better than the previous one.

Jesus also tells the crowd a story about a rich man, and his land produced a good harvest. That year, the man thought that his land has no enough room to store for more harvest. The rich man decided to pull down his barns and build bigger ones, to store all the grain, which is his wealth. He gathered and stocked up all his wealth, ensured himself that he can be able to eat, drink and be happy for many years without doing anything.

Sounds like the life you want to live in, right? But in reality people need to work hard to ensure that they will have a good life in the future. However, God said to the rich man: "You fool! This very night your life will be taken from you. Tell me, who shall get all you have put aside? This is the lot of the one who stores up riches for himself and is not wealthy in the eyes of God."

The rich man shows the qualities of being a greedy person. A greedy person is never satisfied. He or she would always want more and more because whatever a greed person has is never enough; Greed is a sign of insecurity and fear. It reflects in today's world, whereas we live in a world where we are lured or judged by our wealth, possessions and status. Greed and insecurity change the human mind and spirit. Greed take us away from God and preventing us from becoming instruments of God. That is why Jesus warns us from any kind of greed.

The lesson of today's gospel is it is not what possessions gives us life for God himself told us He is the way, the truth and the life. That He has come to give us life to its fullness; life is not measured by how much you own.

- Angel Allana Villas


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