"Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me." John 6:57

   Jesus is present when his word is read, and the bread is sanctified. In the gospel, the Jews had a narrow and literal understanding and they failed to realize that Jesus was actually referring to himself. Jesus referred to himself as the "Son of Man" countless times. The word was made flesh in Jesus. People had heard Jesus' stories and parables. They saw his compassionate attitude. They observed him weep but they also saw him in his cheerful mood and best of all, they saw him transport in prayer to his heavenly Father. The wholeness of Jesus' teachings, and the whole of his teachings, and the whole of his life, including the glimpse of glory we saw at his resurrection. They all point to the body, the flesh that we partake each day as we meditate on his person, ponder his life and allow it to transform us into his own body, his own flesh Jesus proclaims that the food He offers endures to eternal life. Bread is not just the word that must be believed but also the bread is the flesh of Jesus that must be eaten and his flesh is the life of the world.

            Sometimes in our lives, we are doubting what God can do for us. We have to trust him for He will bring us the greatest fulfillment and satisfaction, not the empty promises of the world. The world will distract us with promises of pleasure, but most of the time these will leave us unsatisfied. Worldly things won't give us the fulfillment we want but when we let God do the things for us and follow the path that was made for us despite the trials and challenges life may bring, we know that we are guided and protected by him. Thus, The bread of life is connected to the word of life. The times when Jesus gives food in the gospel, he is not only giving food for the body but food for the mind and the soul because he is truly the way, the truth, and the life. 

-Mica Martinez


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