But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and do not be afraid.” - Matthew 17:7

Today’s Gospel is about the Transfiguration of Jesus. A cloud came with a voice saying, “This is my Beloved son”. This account of the transfiguration confirms that truly Jesus is the Son of God. After that event the disciples of Jesus fell prostate and were afraid but Jesus told them to rise and not to be afraid.

We are like the disciples of Jesus. We are afraid of the things that we face in life like problems and things that will not makes us happy. It is normal to be afraid since we are just human after all but, the message of God in this Gospel is to rise and not to be afraid. Think about the disciples in this Gospel they were afraid but they rose and saw that Jesus was with them. Always think that Jesus is with us all the time, in our hard times and in our happy moments.

We’ve all experienced a time in our life that we have a lot of things to do given only a limited time because of deadlines and such. Last school year, I had 5 projects to do and had only a week to finish them. Back then, I thought that it’s not possible to finish on time but at the end of the week I finished everything. I was afraid of not finishing my projects but when it was over I was relieved. Just like the three disciples, they opened their eyes and saw Jesus is with them.

We may think that things are impossible but every time we say and think that, we are proven wrong by God. In the end, we did it with God’s grace.  Always remember that He is with us always and that He will never leave us alone. There is no reason to be afraid since Jesus will be with us always. Always trust God’s plans for us, rise and do not be afraid!

-Bryan Chin


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