
Showing posts from August, 2017

“O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." - Matthew 15:28

Trust What is the meaning of “trust”? How do we define it? Webster’s Dictionary provides the following definitions: •                The trait of trusting; of believing in the honesty and reliability of others •                Complete confidence in a person or plan etc •                To Allow without fear These are just some of the following definitions you would find in a dictionary- its literal meanings. Take note, these definitions are literal, or as in Filipino “ denotatibo” , not figurative “konotatibo”. So how can we relate this information to today’s Gospel? Well we could define it figuratively, for isn’t the Bible full of figurative statements? So does today’s Gospel “The trait of trusting; of believing in the honesty and reliability of others” The Lord is inexplicable, there goes the saying “ the Lord works in mysterious ways”. For example, in the Gospel, the disciples ask Jesus to send the begging woman away for they were being disturbed. “J

"Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid." - Matthew 14:27

Today's Gospel is all about our faith and trust we have for Jesus. Life is full of insecurities and doubts. These insecurities will be our weakness. Just like Peter in the Gospel, he had so many doubts that he cannot believe that Jesus can do all things. It was a challenge for Him to overcome his insecurities and fears and to believe in God. The strong winds and great waves portray the challenges and struggles we are experiencing in life, and these challenges will measure our faith in Him. Just like Peter, who was filled with fear and terror, we are also afraid of take risks because we don't have much courage to do so. We often forget that God is always there for us, waiting for us to call out for Him. Our faith will give us courage to try to do something more than what we are capable of.                                                                                                                 We need to step out of our comfort zone to discover new things. Eve

But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and do not be afraid.” - Matthew 17:7

Today’s Gospel is about the Transfiguration of Jesus. A cloud came with a voice saying, “This is my Beloved son”. This account of the transfiguration confirms that truly Jesus is the Son of God. After that event the disciples of Jesus fell prostate and were afraid but Jesus told them to rise and not to be afraid. We are like the disciples of Jesus. We are afraid of the things that we face in life like problems and things that will not makes us happy. It is normal to be afraid since we are just human after all but, the message of God in this Gospel is to rise and not to be afraid. Think about the disciples in this Gospel they were afraid but they rose and saw that Jesus was with them. Always think that Jesus is with us all the time, in our hard times and in our happy moments. We’ve all experienced a time in our life that we have a lot of things to do given only a limited time because of deadlines and such. Last school year, I had 5 projects to do and had only a week to finish t