"Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come." -Matthew 24:42

The gospel for today talks about the rapture. That there will come a time that some of us will just disappear without any trace and some of us will remain on this earth. This will be a sign that the coming of the Lord is near. It is stated that it is not known and will never be known to us when this will happen. The gospel only reminds us to prepare for it.

Have you ever experienced something that you weren't prepared for? A pop quiz, a failing grade even though you studied so hard, seeing someone you weren't expecting to see and the like. How did it feel? It didn't feel good right? So we learn from it. We try to better ourlselves in dealing with such situations, we plan things in our minds that in case it'll happen again, we'll be able to do this or say that. We will now study or review our lessons from time to time because if ever our teacher would decide to have a quiz, we'll be prepared for it. We will now figure out on which areas we should improve or should focus on so that we can now avoid getting a failing grade. 

We learn to improve and ready ourselves to avoid being in an uncomfortable situation again. These are only the things that are happening in our daily lives. But have we thought about preparing for the coming of Jesus? Or are we so caught up with our busy routines and take for granted the fact that a day will come that our God will come back on this earth to judge us? 

Maybe we're thinking that this won't happen for a few more centuries, that God wouldn't allow such inconvenience for us to experience because we still have so many plans ahead of us. 

Brothers and sisters, let us pause for a minute and let this fact sink in: we don't know when and we don't know how the judgement day will happen. It is stated in the gospel. 

We may not know when this world will end but God never fails to remind us through His word that we should be prepared at all times because He wants us to be with Him when that day comes. 

He never loses hope in us that we start taking this seriously and prepare for His coming. It is difficult, especially in our world today. But as His followers, we should work harder to mold our ways according to what God wants us to be and to stick to His path and resist distractions from following God as much as we can. 

We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength and if He wills us to prepare for His coming, let us ask for His guidance and wisdom to show us the ways on how to achieve it. The end of times may be a scary thought for all of us, but let us remember, God will never abandon us as long as we cling to Him.

-Katrina Shagne Alvarado


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