
Showing posts from February, 2016

Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” - Luke 9:35

Based on the BLD Website reflection:                 On the second Sunday of our Lenten journey, the gospel is about Transfiguration, a unique revelation of the divinity of Jesus, witnessed by Peter, James and John. Not only did they witnessed the divine splendor and radiance of Jesus’s face and clothing, but from the cloud, they also heard the voice of God acknowledging Jesus as His beloved Son and telling them to "listen to Him," (Luke 9:35). For the three disciples, the experience was a clear message of faith and hope as witnesses for the coming passion, suffering and death of Jesus, a reminder that even though they will see Jesus hanging on the cross, by faith and convinced, their Master, Jesus Christ, would conquer death and rise again in glory. As Jesus’ followers, we also need to be reminded, that the cross, we carry daily seems to overwhelm us, with our own "Calvary", we can turn to our loving Savior for counsel (Lk 19:10) - He had overcame them all. Wh