He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” - Matthew 16:15

The gospel helps us ask ourselves on how we perceive the Son of Man. It helps us ask ourselves how we see Jesus and how is He significant to our lives. All of us have our own opinion when we are asked of who the Son of Man is, especially when we consider that everyone has different personalities and experiences in life. People may have a better perception of who Jesus is, some may not. But in the gospel, just like how Jesus asked His disciples, what is important to Him is how we perceive Him or what our opinion is. I myself believe that Jesus is the Son of Man. Growing up in a catholic community really formed me and my knowledge about Jesus. When struggling, when in need, and when in doubt, I always consider Jesus as a shelter for help. After every storm and every storm ahead, I believe that Jesus was there with us and will be there for all of us as long as we believe in Him. Just like Peter in the gospel, He answered,
"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

As I read the gospel on how Peter answered Jesus, I immediately saw the resemblance of Peter's answer to mine if I was asked the same. In that case, we can also be a "Peter" in our own ways! We can also be the rock that builds Jesus' Church! All of us can as long as we have this belief that Jesus is truly the Christ, and the Son of the ever living God, but the question is, “Are we worthy?” “Are we really worthy to be considered a foundation of the church that we have today?” I honestly don't know if I am deserving myself, I also believe that everyone else also doesn't know if they are too, but God has a plan for each and every one of us that we cannot foresee. We are again asked in today's readings, "For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor?" Let us remember that God will strengthen us to fulfill His plan, not by our own power, but His. Let us also remember that like Peter, when we believe in Jesus as the Christ and the Son of the living God, we too are blessed.

To wrap up my reflection, the gospel for today tells us that believing in Jesus that He is one with God will truly bless us, and through this belief, together we can firmly be a foundation to His Church. Worthy or not, we all have our own rightful place in it, because Jesus gives us the strength to fulfill His plan for all of us. Amen!

-Neil Edjic


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