
Showing posts from February, 2014

Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away - Mt 5:18

Gospel: Mt 5:17 – 37 No two persons in this world are born the same. We are unique and therefore different from each other. The world we are living today is a world where people are trying to walk in a perfectly straight line and those who deviate away are labeled indifferently. We look for happiness in different ways; some in other people, some with their jobs, some on possessions and some look for vices. The law of God governs our day to day activities. We Catholics must carve these commandments deep in our hearts. However, because of our unceasing desire to feed our egos, to lust over things and to depart from God’s plans for us, we often forget that our actions should imitate Jesus. Recently, we become too preoccupied with things that we desire to have or achieve that we forget that there is God within us, we frequently fall in lust – may it be a sexual desire, a self – absorption, a strong desire to have something without God within you. Why is that form of lust so diffic

You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? - Matthew 5:13

How many times have we asked ourselves, "What is my purpose in life?" or "Why am I even alive?" Or think to ourselves, "I'm useless, worthless. I don't deserve anything good in this world." These may come out as emo or something but let's admit it, we've thought about it once or twice in our lives especially when we're going through stuff that are almost unbearable for us. But I think it's wrong to doubt our existence just because things aren't going our way or feel useless because certain people took us for granted.  I bet you've heard this line a million times before that everything happens for a reason. It's being repeated because it's the truth. It wouldn't be a cliche if it wasn't true. Haven't you thought about that maybe our purpose is to be in this community? To serve God through this community, to praise Him together and to be the light and salt of the earth? Maybe we thought about

We bear the nature and character of Jesus when we reconcile ourselves to God and to others unconditionally.

Theme: We bear the nature and character of Jesus when we reconcile ourselves to God and to others unconditionally. Gospel: Luke 2: 22-40 Often we go astray from God and the people around us. Often we become too succumbed into our work that we don’t even bother to spare even a minute for talking to others, let alone God. Recently, I’ve been working too much, all my energy and time taken up like a sponge by school and studying. I wake up at 6 am, just giving 30 seconds to Thank God for another day. Is that even enough? No. I realize now that it’s insulting to God to just give him 30 seconds of your time when He gave you one lifetime. Then everyone sits at the table and takes breakfast. Everyone stirs up a healthy conversation but then I’m too preoccupied by what’s gonna happen on that day, thus I don’t get to take part in the conversation. I leave, go to school for 12 hours and go home at night. I take my dinner with the family, still preoccupied of the things I have to do. Af