For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light. - Luke 16:8

The reading for tomorrow reminded me so much of what Mother Theresa once said, “We are called to be Holy, not to be successful.” The first thing that came into my mind when I first read this somewhere was the time when I cheated big time in a major subject examination. I felt like it was my dramatic SOS moment. I was very preoccupied by the feeling of “Nah! Dapat mapasa jud nako ni para dili ko ma-taichi!” True enough, the number that I have cheated made me survive. I got an average of 80%, just enough to make me pass. Now this should be good news, right? But not quite. I imagined myself in a job interview being asked by the same question on that exam. And the answer was not really tattooed in my mind because I only memorized it for about 5 seconds just enough for me to write it on my paper.

My point is, some people are too driven to do something, whether right or wrong, to reach their goal. With this “too driven” attitude, we tend to get blinded that we actually have the wrong motivation. For example, to be able to get your crush’s attention, you’d be vocal for your love for basketball. But the truth is, you don’t even know a little thing about the sport. What if your crush and you got together? It will perhaps feel awesome in the beginning but in the long run, you’d see too many defects because you started off wrong.

In the Gospel reading, the theme:  “We bear the nature and character of Jesus when we are trustworthy stewards of His resources” was truly shown. In the story Jesus said to His disciples, the manager was prudent but not in a good way. He kind of deceived his Master.
In Luke 16:8 it was written “…because the people of this world are much more shrewd in handling their affairs than the people who belongs to the light.”

I was struck with these lines but I honestly didn’t get it quite at first. I kept reading it anyway because I wanted to know why I was struck. Then a tiny bulb showed at the right side of my head and the idea cleared off.

Those people who are more attached to their work, or business, or to school and gives 100% focus on their goal seem to be more shrewd or wiser compared to those children of light who puts 50% on hard work and 50% faith in God.

We can never scientifically calculate when our prayers will be granted or if it will ever be. This is when praying gets in the picture. It was said in the 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.” When we make it a habit to pray at all times, especially on making decisions or when in great trouble, we also become mindful of doing things which are only for the better, of doing things that is of the will of God, not of our own will. Through this, we become worthy of carrying His name and worthy of the resources He has entrusted upon us. Through this, we make better use of our wisdom. The result might not be always pleasing to us or our prayers may not always be answered but at least we haven’t trampled on anybody. And that is the most important thing He wants to happen.

Just always remember that “Though our Lord Jesus Christ was rich, he became poor, so that by His poverty, you might become rich.” There is nothing to be afraid of when we fail on reaching our goal, much more if we did all the right things in the process of trying to reach it. Diba nga sabi ni Miley Cyrus “It’s the climb?”

You need not to be anxious for the Lord has promised in Psalm 113:7-8 “He raises up the lowly from the dust; from the dunghill He lifts up the poor to seat them with princes, with the princes of his own people.”

What’s there to worry about nga ba when we fail if we end up still walking hand in hand with Jesus Christ our Savior? Rather than reaching our goal but not doing it through the right way and worse, disappointing God, He who called us to be Holy, not to be successful?

- Iana Ilaya


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