
Showing posts from September, 2013

If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead. - Luke 16:31

In the first part of our Gospel reading for today Jesus talks about a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. The rich man had everything he could ever wish for. All the material things that a normal person could ever desire for. But these material things blinded him from seeing what are the reason why did he ever had these blessings. One reason might be is that he was given these things to know God and to humble himself. He was given these things to see Him and thank Him for every little thing he received but what happened was he was selfish that he used all these blessings for himself This lead to blindness of seeing the existence of other people. What I mean about the existence of other people is the existence of the poor man, Lazarus. The rich man never saw that Lazarus was there in his doors and that he would only eat those pieces of food that would fell on the rich man’s table. The rich man never saw that Lazarus was sick, weak and dying near him because of the wealth that he has

For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light. - Luke 16:8

The reading for tomorrow reminded me so much of what Mother Theresa once said, “We are called to be Holy, not to be successful.” The first thing that came into my mind when I first read this somewhere was the time when I cheated big time in a major subject examination. I felt like it was my dramatic SOS moment. I was very preoccupied by the feeling of “Nah! Dapat mapasa jud nako ni para dili ko ma-taichi!” True enough, the number that I have cheated made me survive. I got an average of 80%, just enough to make me pass. Now this should be good news, right? But not quite. I imagined myself in a job interview being asked by the same question on that exam. And the answer was not really tattooed in my mind because I only memorized it for about 5 seconds just enough for me to write it on my paper. My point is, some people are too driven to do something, whether right or wrong, to reach their goal. With this “too driven” attitude, we tend to get blinded that we actually have the wrong mot

But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found. - Luke 15:32

Often we go astray from God and the people around us. Often we become too succumbed into our work that we don’t even bother to spare even a minute for talking to others, let alone God. Recently, I’ve been working too much, all my energy and time taken up like a sponge by school and studying. I wake up at 6 am, just giving 30 seconds to Thank God for another day. Is that even enough? No. I realize now that it’s insulting to God to just give him 30 seconds of your time when He gave you one lifetime. Then everyone sits at the table and takes breakfast. Everyone stirs up a healthy conversation but then I’m too preoccupied by what’s gonna happen on that day, thus I don’t get to take part in the conversation. I leave, go to school for 12 hours and go home at night. I take my dinner with the family, still preoccupied of the things I have to do. After accomplishing on my list, I go to bed, try to sleep. But then the feeling of loneliness engulfs me like a tidal wave. I realize that for t