
Showing posts from October, 2017

"The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone" - Matthew 21:42

The tenants in the parable killed the landowner’s servants and son. Jesus asked the chief priests and the elders, “What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?” The chief priests and elders responded, “He will put those wretched men to a wretched death,” but Jesus replied, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Today’s Gospel teaches us to be good without playing favorites. Let us assume that the landowner is us. We voluntarily helped our friends, but in return they hated us. It’s sad, yet we shouldn’t seek for vengeance; instead we should still continue to do good things and also learn to forgive. We shouldn’t fill our hearts with anger or hatred. We can continue sharing our kindness despite the hatred and selfishness of others. We are the children of God and we should follow His will. Sometimes, when we do good or are kind to other people, we also expect something good in return. However, even though we didn’t get any sig

"Which of the two did his father’s will?” - Matthew 21:31

Today’s Gospel tells us how our actions are more important than words. Some people are afraid of making promises, although at the end of the day, they choose to fulfill what they are asked to do without saying a word. However, others are less worried or not worried at all at keeping them and tend to struggle in doing what is asked of them. Same situation goes to how aware we are about the will of the Lord. We know everything about the will of the Father. However, are we doing what God has told us to do? Going to church every day doesn’t mean that you have more chances of entering the Kingdom of God than those who seldom visit. Even if you know a lot about what God wants you to do, but not actually doing it, you are a like the second son in the Gospel. Jesus wants to tell us that God appreciates not only our words, but more importantly, the actions we will be doing, for example, after going home from mass. We shouldn’t just keep in mind what we have learned for today and prom