
Showing posts from September, 2017

Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last. - Matthew 20:16

The parable is about a landowner and laborers in a vineyard. The laborers which the landowner hired from the very start agreed on receiving a denarius (ancient coins) for the day. The landowner went out in different times of the day and hired some laborers. At the end of the day, the landowner told the foreman to call the workers and pay them their wages beginning with the last ones hired and then the first. When the first ones received the same amount as the last ones, they grumbled against the owner and said, “These last ones worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who bore the day's burden and the heat.” But he told them that he’s not being unfair since they agreed to work for a denarius. The parable tells us that we are all the same, we are all humans whether we are rich or poor and whether we work hard or not, we are all the same and in the end, we go to heaven because God still welcomes us despite of how sinful we are. Sometimes, we think that we deserv

So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives his brother from his heart. - Matthew 18:35

The Gospel is a parable told by Jesus Christ to Apostle Peter when he asked Him how many times he should forgive his brother.  According to Jesus, the kingdom of Heaven is like a king who decided to settle his accounts with his servants.  Since one of the king's servants was unable to pay back his loan, the servant was to be sold, along with his wife and children.  The servant begged the king to give him more time to pay off his debt. Because the king was merciful, he forgave his servant.  However, after that, the servant went to another person who owed Him money.  Even though that person begged for more time also, the servant was cruel and demanded the money right away.  When he couldn't pay, the servant had that person thrown into prison.  This incident came to the king's attention, and the servant was punished for his wickedness. The parable tells us that we should be forgiving and merciful like God. Even though we commit sins and wicked deeds, God will forgive us a