
Showing posts from April, 2017

"Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?" -John 11:40

When Jesus arrived Bethany, Martha met Him saying that if Jesus could have been there, Lazarus would still be alive. Then she continues saying “but I know that even now, whatever you ask of God, He will grant You.” In this Gospel, Martha represents us. There are times that we blame God for our problems. We get angry at Him for not being with us when we need Him most, thinking that He should have done something for us not to experience such pain and heartaches. But maybe just like Jesus, God takes His time to aid us in our problems. Maybe this is His way of letting us grow and learn from our problems. But God never leaves our side, He is always there to watch over us. Just like Martha, we also need to have faith. Despite having faced such problems, we still know that God is always there to rescue us. Even though Martha is grieving for the loss of her brother, she continued to have faith in Jesus. Losing someone is tough, but we should not let it take away our faith too. S