
Showing posts from June, 2013

Your faith has saved you; go in peace. - Luke 7: 50

Men are sinners. We are all sinners. In the 1st reading, King David sinned against his wife and against the Lord for taking another man’s wife. Sin always destroys something good. Sin is ugly. It doesn’t only hurt people but by doing so, we also hurt God the most. Like David, sometimes we commit sin because of our own desires. We always think of ourselves and then on we tend to forget God’s love to us. Moving on, after King David’s dishonesty, there is one thing I hope that we would admire about him, he was honest enough to admit his wrongdoings. “I have sinned against the Lord.” David’s admission of guilt was simple and straightforward. Because sin is ugly, there would be times that we would rather hide it. Sometimes we hold back in admitting and confessing our sins and even refuse to recognize it as a sin. We don’t feel worthy to go to Church anymore but Let us not draw ourselves down and rather be like David - closer to God. The second reading teaches us that the law of God wi